Thursday, August 17, 2006

9/11 Neo-Con Hit Piece Explodes Into Controversy

9/11 Neo-Con Hit Piece Explodes Into Controversy
Moseley World Net Daily article spews salacious attacks against Professor Steven Jones as distortions and fallacies are exposed on Alex Jones Show

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 18 2006

Jonathon Moseley's World Net Daily hit piece on the 9/11 truth movement, which contained salacious personal attacks along with erroneous and distorted claims, has been thoroughly debunked after Moseley appeared on a nationally broadcast radio show to debate his article with host Alex Jones and Professor Jim Fetzer of the 9/11 Scholars.

Throughout this article we cite Moseley's original article as well as his appearance on The Alex Jones Show, which can be heard here.


For the rest of this excellent article, go here. be sure to listen to the mp3 of the interview mentioned above.

Neo-Fascists Declare War On Truth Movement

Neo-Fascists Declare War On Truth Movement
False flag provocation likely to occur within months, 9/11 & truth activists targeted for elimination as Alex Jones makes unpalatable prediction

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 17 2006

As manufactured terror alerts, magnified turmoil in the Middle East, and dire proclamations that doomsday is approaching all converge at the end of the summer of 2006, the twist in the story is likely to be a massive staged terror attack that will smother any remaining voices of descent and once again leave America transfixed in an orgy of militarism, paranoia and fear.

The targets of the subsequent frenzied police state clampdown will be the traitors who questioned their government's motivations in the war on terror and blocked Bush' path in protecting the American people.

Alex Jones has only made one previous prediction that he was overwhelmingly sure would come to pass. In July 2001, Jones launched 'Operation Expose the Government Terrorists,' a desperate late attempt to focus activism around raising awareness of an imminent massive terror attack that would be blamed on the patsy Osama bin Laden.

Unfortunately that foresight came home to roost on September 11 and we now find ourselves in similar peril five years later.

On his August 10th show, Alex Jones broadcast a warning that we would soon see, "bone-shattering mega attacks in the United States, Canada, England or Israel."

The time frame for the attacks is within 2 months - the biggest risk being before the middle of October but at least before the mid-term elections in November.

"The prelude to a new mega attack or a string of large attacks - leading up to that - I predicted that they would have five to ten staged busts of terrorists," said Jones.

The watershed success of the 9/11 truth movement in obtaining national exposure has been met with a fierce backlash from the establishment in the form of nationwide editorials on cue, almost as if uniformly timed, that attack 9/11 skeptics with straw man smear campaign arguments. In addition, an increase in alleged foiled terror alerts serves two purposes, to shift attention away from the increasingly high profile 9/11 truth information and secondly to construct the story board to which the next real attack will be pinned.

'Look, we protected you from all those attacks but we just couldn't stop them all - it was the peaceniks and the civil libertarians who prevented us going all the way and keeping America safe - they are to blame for major cities being dirty bombed and others biologically poisoned.'

The baseless terror raids, besides acting as PR for delusional fearmongering and the perception that terrorists are hiding under every bed, also creates a chilling effect whereby the government is sending a message to anyone that doesn't display the proper modicum of obedience and fails to salute the war on terror.

'We can grab you off the street or from your own home at our own convenience and incarcerate you - without having to present any evidence to justify it.'

Some have suggested that Fox News' mention of Alex Jones' warning (watch above) is sufficient advance protection to offset the coming attack. However, coverage of the warning needs to be infinitely more widespread in order to have any impact. The 9/11 Blogger website has put together an activist page that provides information on how people can help us mobilize to try and prevent what government officials and their apologists have told us is inevitable.

Disturbing developments such as the smearing of 9/11 truth activists as terrorist sympathizers and the surveillance and wanton random arrests and beatings of alternative news journalists act as a red flag to denote preparation for a martial law crackdown in the wake of a new synthetic terror attack.

The beta test for this tactic was the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, a false flag event that almost obliterated the burgeoning Patriot Movement. In the immediate aftermath of the attack the patsy, Timothy McVeigh, was linked with "far-right militia groups" that talked about the Constitution and federal encroachment on God-given rights. Though no mass sweeps took place, the chilling effect was enough to send a great deal of activists into the shadows - or worse many sold out and became frothing Neo-Cons as soon as Bush got into office.

That same chilling effect is again being employed and applied not just to paleoconservatives - but to anyone who dares dissent against the Neo-Fascist agenda. Even democratically elected moderate anti-war candidates such as Ned Lamont, hardly a George Washington, and his supporters, are being accused of supporting Al-Qaeda by the drooling maniacs who act as PR whores for the Bushists. Though on the face of it this kind of rhetoric - the notion that thousands of citizens in Connecticut ticked Lamont's box because they thought it would help Osama bin Laden - is patently schizophrenic, the mere repetition of the big lie is enough for many to zealously uphold its orthodoxy.

In addition to network news TV shows, reports of Neo-Con cheerleaders on the radio framing anyone who questions 9/11 as having an 'Al Qaeda mind set' are beginning to filter in. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where all this is potentially heading - directly to a Homeland Security labor camp unless we stand up and point the finger at the real freedom loathing terrorists.

We should not consider ourselves outside of the scope of a regime that always links its next victims with Al-Qaeda as an excuse to decapitate them from the political spectrum.

Alex Jones' warning of a monumental staged terror attack, creating the pretext to air strike Iran, and its subsequent ramifications for freedom-exercising citizens and truth activists in the western world, is a piercing light through the veil of deception and needs to be echoed around the four corners of the globe if we are to stand a chance of saving America from the grip of a vampiric Neo-Fascist horror show.

Neo-Fascists Declare War On Truth Movement

Neo-Fascists Declare War On Truth Movement
False flag provocation likely to occur within months, 9/11 & truth activists targeted for elimination as Alex Jones makes unpalatable prediction

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 17 2006

As manufactured terror alerts, magnified turmoil in the Middle East, and dire proclamations that doomsday is approaching all converge at the end of the summer of 2006, the twist in the story is likely to be a massive staged terror attack that will smother any remaining voices of descent and once again leave America transfixed in an orgy of militarism, paranoia and fear.

The targets of the subsequent frenzied police state clampdown will be the traitors who questioned their government's motivations in the war on terror and blocked Bush' path in protecting the American people.

Alex Jones has only made one previous prediction that he was overwhelmingly sure would come to pass. In July 2001, Jones launched 'Operation Expose the Government Terrorists,' a desperate late attempt to focus activism around raising awareness of an imminent massive terror attack that would be blamed on the patsy Osama bin Laden.

Unfortunately that foresight came home to roost on September 11 and we now find ourselves in similar peril five years later.

On his August 10th show, Alex Jones broadcast a warning that we would soon see, "bone-shattering mega attacks in the United States, Canada, England or Israel."

The time frame for the attacks is within 2 months - the biggest risk being before the middle of October but at least before the mid-term elections in November.

"The prelude to a new mega attack or a string of large attacks - leading up to that - I predicted that they would have five to ten staged busts of terrorists," said Jones.

The watershed success of the 9/11 truth movement in obtaining national exposure has been met with a fierce backlash from the establishment in the form of nationwide editorials on cue, almost as if uniformly timed, that attack 9/11 skeptics with straw man smear campaign arguments. In addition, an increase in alleged foiled terror alerts serves two purposes, to shift attention away from the increasingly high profile 9/11 truth information and secondly to construct the story board to which the next real attack will be pinned.

'Look, we protected you from all those attacks but we just couldn't stop them all - it was the peaceniks and the civil libertarians who prevented us going all the way and keeping America safe - they are to blame for major cities being dirty bombed and others biologically poisoned.'

The baseless terror raids, besides acting as PR for delusional fearmongering and the perception that terrorists are hiding under every bed, also creates a chilling effect whereby the government is sending a message to anyone that doesn't display the proper modicum of obedience and fails to salute the war on terror.

'We can grab you off the street or from your own home at our own convenience and incarcerate you - without having to present any evidence to justify it.'

Some have suggested that Fox News' mention of Alex Jones' warning (watch above) is sufficient advance protection to offset the coming attack. However, coverage of the warning needs to be infinitely more widespread in order to have any impact. The 9/11 Blogger website has put together an activist page that provides information on how people can help us mobilize to try and prevent what government officials and their apologists have told us is inevitable.

Disturbing developments such as the smearing of 9/11 truth activists as terrorist sympathizers and the surveillance and wanton random arrests and beatings of alternative news journalists act as a red flag to denote preparation for a martial law crackdown in the wake of a new synthetic terror attack.

The beta test for this tactic was the 1995 Oklahoma City Bombing, a false flag event that almost obliterated the burgeoning Patriot Movement. In the immediate aftermath of the attack the patsy, Timothy McVeigh, was linked with "far-right militia groups" that talked about the Constitution and federal encroachment on God-given rights. Though no mass sweeps took place, the chilling effect was enough to send a great deal of activists into the shadows - or worse many sold out and became frothing Neo-Cons as soon as Bush got into office.

That same chilling effect is again being employed and applied not just to paleoconservatives - but to anyone who dares dissent against the Neo-Fascist agenda. Even democratically elected moderate anti-war candidates such as Ned Lamont, hardly a George Washington, and his supporters, are being accused of supporting Al-Qaeda by the drooling maniacs who act as PR whores for the Bushists. Though on the face of it this kind of rhetoric - the notion that thousands of citizens in Connecticut ticked Lamont's box because they thought it would help Osama bin Laden - is patently schizophrenic, the mere repetition of the big lie is enough for many to zealously uphold its orthodoxy.

In addition to network news TV shows, reports of Neo-Con cheerleaders on the radio framing anyone who questions 9/11 as having an 'Al Qaeda mind set' are beginning to filter in. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see where all this is potentially heading - directly to a Homeland Security labor camp unless we stand up and point the finger at the real freedom loathing terrorists.

We should not consider ourselves outside of the scope of a regime that always links its next victims with Al-Qaeda as an excuse to decapitate them from the political spectrum.

Alex Jones' warning of a monumental staged terror attack, creating the pretext to air strike Iran, and its subsequent ramifications for freedom-exercising citizens and truth activists in the western world, is a piercing light through the veil of deception and needs to be echoed around the four corners of the globe if we are to stand a chance of saving America from the grip of a vampiric Neo-Fascist horror show.

Woman shot with rubber bullets at a protest in Miami

Woman shot with rubber bullets at a protest in Miami

Jones Report | August 17, 2006

Elizabeth Ritter was shot four times with rubber bullets by police while she was protesting a Free Trade Summit in Miami, August 10.

This horrifying example truly shows the disconnect between police and the citizens they pose as protecting and serving.

These police actually laugh at their victims, in spite of news cameras and hundreds of witnesses of which they were certainly aware. Arrogant and unchecked power now threatens to be the norm for ever-increasing riot police.

They rule with faux violence and real threats (rubber bullets been known to cause death, in certain cases). Here, Ritter was even shot in the face in an archetypal showdown with goons dressed in black 'storm trooper' uniforms, over-armed to handle a peaceful protest.

They shoot at a business woman repeatedly, even after seeing blood drip from her body. Somewhere, behind a disconnected, under-informed and wrongly influenced "peaceful" force, these instruments of terror think they are protecting the populace rather than subjecting them to tyranny, all the more terrifying for being out in the open.


video summaray: the video includes footage of the protesters walking down the street and cops opening fire with rubber bullets. the protesters ask "why are you doing this to us?" and the police laugh, one says "fuck you put this on your website", then there is footage of the cops in their tent later on, with the head guy acting like a football coach talking about it as a "win" against the protesters, then laugh more about shooting the woman in the red jacket. at the end there is news footage of the event. it's about 4 minutes long.

official news footage:

Galloway wipes the floor with Sky News anchor

more on the Bollyn arrest

Christopher Bollyn arrested in Chicago

RBN | August 17 2006

RBN talk show host and AFP reporter Christopher Bollyn was arrested last night in Chicago in his front yard. See below, and be sure to read his article at the bottom of this page about the ZionistMedia/Israel/Lebanon connection. Chris lived in Israel for a while and has been in the Middle East. His wife Helje (from Estonia) has sent us an email.

Chris wrote many articles on depleted uranium (some of the best) based on interviews with Marion Fulk, Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret, and others for the American Free Press. He also has been doing a deep investigation of the British/IsraelMossad/US ties to 911.

The Following Is An Email From Christopher's Wife

Hi Freinds,

We live in a very quiet neighborhood. We notice every car or person who passes by. We hear every noise behind the window.

There has been this unmarked dark blue police car with three antennaes and three guys inside it circling around our house for some time. Well, Chris did not like it and called the cops. The same unmarked blue police car came back in no time, the guys jumped out and were very arrogant. They did not tell me their names nor showed me their identifications except their shiny police badges.

Chris had some questions about their mission around our house which they did not seem to like [at all] and they arrested him. Just lovely to see him being pushed face down in the dirt with some dumb knee pushed against his neck by a brute and hand-cuffs put on him. In no time there were five more police cars lights blinking on the street, our lawn full of cops and a fire truck/ambulance - quite an event!

I wanted to take some pictures but then they said they would arrest me too. I had to drop my gardening scissors since they considered it a weapon. They took my name and DOB. They asked me where I was from.

It was interesting that they had a woman in the team who calmed down Catherine who was upset. They showed her the fire truck and all. One police officer was very kind to me. If any of you would like to ask any questions about what the Hoffman Estates Police Station is doing with Chris Bollyn, don't hesitate to call:

Laurence # 283 who works at 2-10 p.m., tel. 847- 882-1818 Maybe Chris Petherick can be so kind and give them a call or Mike? Could you also inform WAC, please.

Hopefully he will be released tonight for a bond ($100 is the smallest amount) and won't be jailed for a longer time. You never know.

I will keep you informed if there are any changes to the sitution.

Kind regards to you all,


Cops Arrest AFP Journalist Christopher Bollyn

Wednesday August 16th 2006, 6:26 pm

“I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police,” explains American Free Press journalist and Republic Broadcast Network talk show host Christopher Bollyn on the RBN website. “I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused—by the cops…. I intend to seek asylum in Norway or Switzerland. I can read the writing on the wall.”

Indeed, the writing is on the wall. In the neocon “you’re either with us or with the terrorists” political climate in America today, those who tell the truth are increasingly coming under the gun—or as in Bollyn’s case, under a Tazer. It is a short step from accusations of treason and appeasement of terrorists, who work for the government—or are simply retarded patsies set-up to take a fall—and the sort of violence practiced by the Nazis and their goons after Hitler pulled off his Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich, or the Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich. Bush has come a long way in realizing his Ermächtigungsgesetz, or Enabling Act, and it won’t be long now before minor complaints are dealt with in severe fashion, as they always are under fascist dictatorships.

“And the administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue fifth column movements,” Senator Lindsey Graham told AG Gonzales earlier this year. “And let me tell folks who are watching what a fifth column movement is. It is a movement known to every war where American citizens will sympathize with the enemy and collaborate with the enemy. And it’s happened in every war…. and I don’t think you need a warrant to do that.”

According to the Manichean dictum of the neocons—you’re with us in the forever war against the Muslims, or you’re with the terrorists—revealing certain facts, as Bollyn has done over the years, may result in, for now, arrest and abuse. However, next month or next year, certainly after the next staged terror attack, it will result in far harsher, even fatal retaliation, as it invariably does in fascist countries.

911 Investigative Journalist Harassed And Beaten At His Home By Undercover Cops

911 Investigative Journalist
Harassed And Beaten
At His Home By
Undercover Cops
By ChristopherBollyn

See Also Earlier Article:
Israelis Hold Keys to NSA and U.S. Government Computers
By Christopher Bollyn

(Left) Christopher Bollyn, Investigative Journalist For American Free Press

It's after 2 a.m. in the morning, my deadline is tomorrow, and I have been beaten up by the local police and my right elbow is sorely hurting, but I need to write down exactly what happened to me today before I go to sleep. Otherwise I will forget important details.

I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police. I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused ­ by the cops.

I have investigated 9/11 since it happened and looked into the many unanswered questions of the terror attacks. I discovered last year that I had had at least two FBI informants crawling around my house for years. This is the main reason I do not feel safe in the United States. It is also why I spend much of the time in Europe or at safe houses in this country, with fellow 9/11 researchers like Ellen Mariani and Eric Hufschmid. I have two small children.

I have only been at my old home in Hoffman Estates for a couple of weeks, mainly because my road-weary children dearly love this old red house, which is the only home they have ever known. It is just a simple Hoffman-Rosner suburban Chicago tract home that my late parents bought in 1957, but it's home.

I had noticed an unusual amount of police activity around my house since I returned. We live on a quiet side street where one might normally see a police cruiser once or twice a week. Since I returned I have noticed all kinds of police cars and devices in the immediate proximity of my house.

But yesterday there was something very unusual around my house. It was an unmarked car with three armed men with body armor driving around my block as I rode my bike to the store. Who in the heck is that? I thought to myself. It looks like they are going to my house, but I won't be there, I thought.

Then today, the same time and the same car with three men passed slowly by my house where the neighborhood kids were playing. "Hello, FBI," I said from my porch and waved.

The man in the front passenger seat waved back. I immediately alerted my wife and kids. Helje said I should stop them and ask them what they want.

For background, today I was working on two rather big stories and I made a lot of phone calls to the Embassy of Israel, the S.E.C., the office of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, and to an old Israeli living in New York who I have suspicions may be a key player in 9/11. I'd like to discuss this lead but I can't at this point.

All of my calls were about 9/11 related, except for the calls to the Embassy and local consulate of Israel. These were standard journalistic inquiries about Israel casualties and losses in Lebanon. The Embassy press department didn't like my questions, but I told them it's my job. I wanted to know about the number of dead and wounded and if 60 Merkava tanks had been taken out, as Hezbollah claims.

Then I also asked where exactly the two Israeli soldiers had been abducted. I told them that there were at least 15 newswire stories that said the soldiers had been captured in the Lebanese village of Aitaa al-Shaab ­ inside Lebanon. He was surprised to hear that, too.

Apart from my un-disclosable investigation, the other calls were about how Jacob "Kobi" Alexander was able to flee with more than $60 million dollars last week, several months after it was public knowledge that he and the other Israelis working with Comverse Technology, Ltd. had swindled hundred of millions through fraudulent stock options trades. This has been going on for years, and The Wall Street Journal and Globes (Israel) reported the names and the amounts last March. For crying out loud, my newspaper, American Free Press, reported it in April 2005.

I wanted to know from the SEC and the U.S. Attorney's office how this Kobi Alexander was able to wire $60 million to his account in Israel and flee New York without any body stopping him. "If I wired $5 million to Norway the whole NSA and FBI would be all over me," I said.

The U.S. Attorney's office said they "expect" Kobi will turn himself in. Note to the wise: Don't count on it.

Kobi Alexander was one of the owners and developers of Odigo software which allowed Israelis to communicate instantly on 9/11. It was via the "buddy system" on Odigo software, which allows one to communicate to a large group of people that share a trait, such as the Hebrew language, that thousands of Israelis were warned not to go to the twin towers on 9/11.

Kobi Alexander's Mossad-linked company, Comverse Technology, was a developer and owner of Odigo since early 2000, something The New York Times does not consider to be part of "All the News that's Fit to Print." Comverse makes a black box system called the "Audio Disk" that police, intelligence and security agencies, and governments around the world, have attached to their phone networks. This simple device allows the Israeli employees of Comverse back in Tel Aviv to hear and intercept all the data being exchanged by these naive agencies...everything.


I had finished all of my calls and watched the first part of the Lou Dobb's news program on CNN and was on my way to the store, when I stepped out on the stoop and saw this threatening dark car full of obvious agents of some sort. I immediately warned my wife and kids and rode the bike to the store.

Something is not right, I said to myself, and I stopped at the local wine shop and asked to use the phone. I called 911 and told them that a strange car with armed men is driving around my neighborhood for no apparent reason. I was told that a police car would meet me at my house in 20 minutes.

I was just in my house a few minutes when the very same suspicious car stopped in front of my house and three armor-clad men stood on my driveway. I had just been calling the police department and put down the phone. I was more than a little surprised to see these armor-clad thugs on my driveway.

My wife and 8-year old daughter were already there and I asked these men who they were and why they were harassing my street. Why are you driving around with this unmarked car around my house, I asked? Who are you, anyway? They were not at all willing to identify themselves and were very confrontational, to say the least.

I ran to my front door to call my brother when the three of them tackled me and shocked me with some sort of stun-gun. The three men then sat on me and pushed my face in the dirt, handcuffed me and put me in their car.

Remember, I had called 911 because of a suspicious car in my neighborhood, a neighborhood I have known since 1957, when my parents helped found this town.

I have two small children, after all, and this car looked very threatening to me. This is what I call my normal neighborhood obligations, but I discovered that they are actually watching us. They even joked about it at the station later. "We are watching you," they said.

It should be noted that my neighborhood does not have any crime or gangs or anything of that nature that would warrant an undercover squad to patrol around my house day after day. This is why it is so suspicious. And why are they patrolling around my house?

As they pummeled me, my wife was pleading for me and my daughter was crying. I really wanted my brother, my neighbors, and my son to come help me but before even one minute had passed there were dozens of cops and firemen in my front yard.

Where did they all come from so quickly? How were so many police in my neighborhood at the same time? This is most unusual, as Hoffman Estates is spread out all over northwest Cook County, but there were at least 5 squad cars and at least 10 officers in my front yard within one minute of my being beaten up on my lawn.

Sitting in the squad car with handcuffs on is when the private abuse began. Officer Fitzgerald indulged in offending me, my late mother, a village pioneer, and then threatened to beat me.

When another officer came to the car, he told me that this guy was going to beat the ---- out of me. When I repeated what he said word for word, he would say, "I didn't say that."

He then started to drive me to the station, which is about three miles away from the old village center where I live. Bombarded with continuous verbal abuse, when I would say something from the back-seat he would slam on the brakes so that my head hit the plexi-glass separation window. Typical Chicago cop torture treatment; rough the guy up on the way to the station. This is exactly the kind of thing that I ran against when I ran for mayor of this town in 2001.

I decided to lean back on the seat and not say another word.

When we got to the station, there was a host of white-gloved cops waiting for me in the police garage. When Officer Fitzgerald drove in to the garage, he told the 10-12 waiting cops: "He says cops are a bunch of .. You can take care of him now."

When they took me out, I informed them that I am a journalist and will write about their treatment. The verbal abuse now came from all sides. They told me I should get out of town, etc. I told them that my dear parents had founded Hoffman Estates, but they didn't care.

When I was in the station they forcibly stripped off my belt and tore of my shirt leaving me clad only in shorts and undershirt. I asked why I was being detained and they told me that I had resisted arrest and threatened the police with my fists, two complete lies.

I was never the subject of any arrest. I had called to police to report a suspicious vehicle driving around my home!

I was thrown into a cell with no water. I asked for a drink of water and was told, "Drink from the toilet."

Why am I being treated this way, I wondered?

At midnight, an officer came to my cell and asked if I could pay $100 to get out. What I am being charged with, I asked? I called the police and they beat me up in my front yard, I protested.

What did I do to deserve that?

My older brother had posted bail and shortly after midnight, I was pushed out onto the street with a good two-mile walk home.

I am shocked at how I was treated, because although my journalism gets me into trouble with police in many places, I have never been treated so brutally in my life. I honestly believe this brutal treatment is connected to my 9/11 research.

I intend to seek asylum in Norway or Switzerland. I can read the writing on the wall.

Investigative journalists are not safe in Iraq ­ or the United States.

The UK 'Terror Plot' - What's Really Going On?

The UK 'Terror Plot' -
What's Really Going On?
By Craig Murray

Mr. Murray was the British Ambassador to Uzbekistan from August 2002 to October 2004

I have been reading very carefully through all the Sunday newspapers to try and analyse the truth from all the scores of pages claiming to detail the so-called bomb plot. Unlike the great herd of so-called security experts doing the media analysis, I have the advantage of having had the very highest security clearances myself, having done a huge amount of professional intelligence analysis, and having been inside the spin machine.

So this, I believe, is the true story.

None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time.

In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide bombings, whatever rash stuff they may have bragged in internet chat rooms.

What is more, many of those arrested had been under surveillance for over a year - like thousands of other British Muslims. And not just Muslims. Like me. Nothing from that surveillance had indicated the need for early arrests.

Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most extraordinary information this way. Trouble is it always tends to give the interrogators all they might want, and more, in a desperate effort to stop or avert torture. What it doesn't give is the truth.

The gentleman being "interrogated" had fled the UK after being wanted for questioning over the murder of his uncle some years ago. That might be felt to cast some doubt on his reliability. It might also be felt that factors other than political ones might be at play within these relationships. Much is also being made of large transfers of money outside the formal economy. Not in fact too unusual in the British Muslim community, but if this activity is criminal, there are many possibilities that have nothing to do with terrorism.

We then have the extraordinary question of Bush and Blair discussing the possible arrests over the weekend. Why? I think the answer to that is plain. Both in desperate domestic political trouble, they longed for "Another 9/11". The intelligence from Pakistan, however dodgy, gave them a new 9/11 they could sell to the media. The media has bought, wholesale, all the rubbish they have been shovelled.

We then have the appalling political propaganda of John Reid, Home Secretary, making a speech warning us all of the dreadful evil threatening us and complaining that "Some people don't get" the need to abandon all our traditional liberties. He then went on, according to his own propaganda machine, to stay up all night and minutely direct the arrests. There could be no clearer evidence that our Police are now just a political tool. Like all the best nasty regimes, the knock on the door came in the middle of the night, at 2.30am. Those arrested included a mother with a six week old baby.

For those who don't know, it is worth introducing Reid. A hardened Stalinist with a long term reputation for personal violence, at Stirling Univeristy he was the Communist Party's "Enforcer", (in days when the Communist Party ran Stirling University Students' Union, which it should not be forgotten was a business with a very substantial cash turnover). Reid was sent to beat up those who deviated from the Party line.

We will now never know if any of those arrested would have gone on to make a bomb or buy a plane ticket. Most of them do not fit the "Loner" profile you would expect - a tiny percentage of suicide bombers have happy marriages and young children. As they were all under surveillance, and certainly would have been on airport watch lists, there could have been little danger in letting them proceed closer to maturity - that is certainly what we would have done with the IRA.

In all of this, the one thing of which I am certain is that the timing is deeply political. This is more propaganda than plot. Of the over one thousand British Muslims arrested under anti-terrorist legislation, only twelve per cent are ever charged with anything. That is simply harrassment of Muslims on an appalling scale. Of those charged, 80% are acquitted. Most of the very few - just over two per cent of arrests - who are convicted, are not convicted of anything to do terrorism, but of some minor offence the Police happened upon while trawling through the wreck of the lives they had shattered.

Be sceptical. Be very, very sceptical.

Stop the Madness. Refuse to Fly

Stop the Madness. Refuse to Fly
by Kate Mucci

It seems that some "terrorist plot" has been foiled. All that "extra security" to which travelers have been subjected is working.

Or so they would have us believe.

But if you sit back from a calm, rational place, can you believe that there really was a terror plot, using... liquids? Can you believe that it makes us safer in any way to prevent any of us from carrying hairspray, hand lotion or lipstick onto an airplane?

Regarding the "plot", well, I'm not buying it. Every other terror plot that has been exposed since and including 911 has had "false flag" written all over it, and with Bush in big trouble for encouraging Israel to continue murdering innocent civilians in Lebanon and Palestinian, this smells like the old "bait and switch" trick again.

Bush and Blair are best buddies. Cheney has disappeared again. Mid-term elections are coming up. Lieberman lost this week.

It's no surprise that this plot was uncovered now. It's all about timing.

How better to drum up support for illegal and immoral activities than by again invoking the fear of attacks to scare the sheeple into submission?

So what are you going to do? Wring your hands in fear as you stand in lines four hours long?

Why should you throw away a bottle of baby's milk? You shouldn't. Don't. Don't fall for their terror tactics and DON'T FLY!

Call your travel agents or the airlines, and demand your money back for flights you've booked, and even if you haven't made reservations, call them and tell them you're not going to as long as this nonsense is in place. Put these co-conspirators in the war against freedom on notice that we're mad as hell and we're not going to take it any more and we're not going to fly as long as these ludicrous "security measures" are in place.

When the airplanes are flying at 20 per cent capacity or less, and they have to cut back on the number of flights and therefore the amount of fuel being consumed, the airlines and oil companies will make such a fuss that this nonsense about dumping your liquids will be stopped. And while you're at it, tell them you're NOT going to take your shoes off anymore. And you're not going to bare your baby's bottom because there might be something hidden in his diaper.

All of those precautions are not about making you safer. They're all about power and making people feel vulnerable and helpless. Don't let them take away your power.

While you've got them on the line, tell the airline representatives about 9/11. Tell them you know that the flights that supposedly hit the trade towers were likely remote controlled, and that NORAD stood down. Tell them that no plane hit the Pentagon, and ask them if they saw any plane parts on the news footage. Make them listen to you. Keep calling. Mess up their reservations systems.

We only have our voices. Use them. Call in to talk shows. Especially the Right Wing numbnuts. Put your brave suits on and armor up, because you will get blasted by those who don't want to hear the truth. But you can defeat the propaganda of fear with your own quiet insistence on getting the facts out there.

Get your facts in before they cut you off. Tell them how the criminal elements in control of major western governments have carried out terror attacks and deliberately manufactured fake alerts for political purposes. Tell them that in 2002, then White House press secretary Ari Fleischer told the Washington Times that terror alerts were issued "as a result of all the controversy that took place last week," referring to political heat bestowed on President Bush when 9/11 prior knowledge evidence first surfaced.

This is no different. Any time the government's in trouble, there is some kind of fake terror alert. Tell the right wing listeners about it! Call in to liberal talk show hosts that still believe Osama bin Laden was behind 911. Clue them into the false flag operations.

But most important, STOP FLYING! Unless you have a life and death matter, or your livelihood depends on it, you don't need to fly. Disneyland can wait until next year. While you're at it, call the vacation destinations and tell them you won't be visiting because of the nonsense with flying. If enough of us do this, we can stop the madness. There will be such a hue and cry from Disney and Magic Mountain and all the other tourist traps that the government will have to back down.

If we are to retain the freedoms we have, and regain the ones we've lost, we all must say, "No way." Stick by it, and stick together. There are more of us than there are of them.

Kate Mucci is co-host and producer of Out There Television, a weekly one-hour broadcast program airing throughout North America, Europe and The U.K. and worldwide on the web. See the website at

Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"

Former British Ambassador Says Terror Alert Is "Propaganda"
Indians says group linked to liquid bombers controlled by Pakistan's ISI

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 16 2006

Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray says the alleged transatlantic liquid bomb plot is staged-managed propaganda on behalf of Bush and Blair - who yearn for a "new 9/11" to absolve them of domestic political trouble.

Murray previously blew the whistle on how the British government was using evidence obtained from torture in Uzbekistan - inflicted on its population US-funded regime of Islam Karimov - the dictator who likes to boil people alive.

Murray questions the intent and capability of the alleged terrorists to carry out the attack and offers the likelihood that evidence of the plot was obtained through torture in Pakistan.

"None of the alleged terrorists had made a bomb. None had bought a plane ticket. Many did not even have passports, which given the efficiency of the UK Passport Agency would mean they couldn't be a plane bomber for quite some time," says Murray (pictured).

"In the absence of bombs and airline tickets, and in many cases passports, it could be pretty difficult to convince a jury beyond reasonable doubt that individuals intended to go through with suicide bombings, whatever rash stuff they may have bragged in internet chat rooms."

"Then an interrogation in Pakistan revealed the details of this amazing plot to blow up multiple planes - which, rather extraordinarily, had not turned up in a year of surveillance. Of course, the interrogators of the Pakistani dictator have their ways of making people sing like canaries. As I witnessed in Uzbekistan, you can get the most extraordinary information this way. Trouble is it always tends to give the interrogators all they might want, and more, in a desperate effort to stop or avert torture. What it doesn't give is the truth."

Murray describes the alert as "more propaganda than plot," and points out that of all the Muslim terror suspects who have been charged, 80% have been acquitted and only 2% have ever been convicted on offenses related to terrorism.

Meanwhile, Delhi police in India claim they have concrete evidence that proves collusion between Pakistani intelligence service ISI and the terror group Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) in carrying out militant attacks in India.

One of the alleged mastermind's of the liquid bomb plot, Rashid Rauf, is a member of Lashkar-e-Taiba. The ISI is a CIA front and the CIA have privately ignored their control of terror groups while publicly lauding Pakistan's status as an ally in the war on terror.

On Monday night it emerged that elements of MI5 wanted the liquid bomb plot to proceed and make the arrests only after the attack had taken place - sacrificing an estimated 3,000 lives and ensuring Britain experienced its own 9/11.

Impeachment Or World War III?

Impeachment Or
World War III?
By Ted Lang
Exclusive to

Hezbollah has gained immensely in strength and resolve as a result of the current unprovoked and unjustified carnage planned and executed by Israel against a peaceful Lebanon. These horrific war crimes perpetrated by Bush USA and Israel, two of the axis-of-evil nations, were supplemented by the distraction provided by the third AOE nation in manufacturing yet another phony false-flag terrorist plot. I didn't even bother to familiarize myself with the long array of descriptive details, which as of yet haven't even been invented. I trust nothing either my government or the governments of the other two criminal nations have to say through their harlots in the "American" MSM.

I am an American, but I hate my government for not only doing nothing to stop the totally unnecessary slaughter of innocent and unarmed men, women, children, the aged and the infirmed in Lebanon, but for encouraging, aiding and abetting the holocaust as well in supplying additional precision weaponry to carry out the mass murders. Bush may be heavily guarded and feel secure in his bunkers in Crawford and Washington, but he's got an unavoidable rendezvous with some serious reckoning. And the sooner this serious reckoning takes place, the better for all Mankind. Bush must be impeached immediately. If this doesn't happen, we will assuredly be irreversibly enmeshed in Bush, Israel and Great Britain's plot to ignite World War III and to launch the New World Order global government.

To facilitate impeachment, and to bring the Bush crime and war machine to a halt, the American political environment must now be inundated with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. "Politics-as-usual" or PAU will be the prescription to bring about the most horrendous conditions in America since those early dark days of the American Revolution, when the impending crushing force of the world's most powerful nation, Great Britain, was about to be unleashed on the people of the American colonies.

American fools who think a political solution is available for removing these criminals from control over the horrific power of the American military have all but succumbed to the distraction that is America's so-called two-party system. It is for this reason that I consider Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and all of FOXNews as traitors. This crisis is not about liberal versus conservative, or even about conservative versus neoconservative; it turns on the survival of our nation which is now totally under the control of lunatics.

Let US first examine the charges and the response from the MSM apologists, sycophants and enablers of the Bush war and crime machine. All the articles already written, as well as those recently penned by Dr. Henry Makow and Henry Picciotto on and that of Bill Christison on Alex Jones' ["Former CIA Analyst: Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11"] expose in depth serious and glaring flaws in the Bush regime's explanations of the vulnerabilities and circumstances of 9/11. The explanations are astonishing in terms of their effrontery to even individuals of average intellect. And given the challenges that even people of average intelligence can pose to the explanations offered by Bush and his Kean 9/11 Commission, why do the MSM stooges take such umbrage with any modicum of inquiry demanding a clearer line of reasoning?
Of course, we know the answer. The charges are codified as being so horrific, so outlandish, and so ridiculous that they need to be summarily dismissed as only being politically based and orchestrated. In other words, challenging the Bush regime's story is just "politics as usual" as mentioned earlier. But instead of news junkies and the information audience writing off accusations of wrong-doing, it is the American mass news media that is doing this. Where is there any evidence of either journalistic challenge or independence? Where is there loyalty to America, to its founding, to its war veterans and our war dead that fought in all America's wars? What about journalistic loyalty honoring our patriots, and the slaughtered innocent workers and our fellow citizens at the WTC and the Pentagon? Isn't there even one American journalist that cares for America? Not even one? Perhaps Lou Dobbs and/or Brian Lamb?

It's BAU [business as usual] for journalists and PAU for our elected politicians. Fortunately, former government employees are increasingly coming forward, such as Christison, and this is helpful. But whether or not Bush and his fellow criminals will be held accountable, or even whether or not the GOP will be ejected from the halls of Congress in the November midterm elections, neither is of any importance within the context of the present dangerous international political environment created by Bush, his GOP Congress, and the spineless wimps representing the Democratic Party. The dead cannot be brought back. The dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Flight 93 will never be amongst US again. Indeed, Bush and his criminals saw to that.

Rather, it is for US the living, to not only honor their sacrificed lives, but to prevent the impending and horrific carnage and destruction that will be initiated by World War III. World War III will not be "over there"; it will be here and now! And if Americans are so stupid, H. L. Mencken's "booboisie" if you will, such is no longer the case. As Christison correctly points out, Americans are beginning to see the crimes perpetrated by the criminal Bush regime in spite of the smokescreens and propaganda hogwash continuously and senselessly articulated by Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and Amanpour.

I disagree totally with Christison's conclusions that relegate to secondary importance the simple question regarding military drills on that day. Christison's "key" points require proof supported by forensic inquiry, inquiry the Bush regime and its FBI went way out of their way to block and prevent. And Christison highlights his key points by launching them in an air of high probability: "ONE: An airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon." Then, "TWO: The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them." I'm sorry, but to me, "almost certainly" is a shaky foundation to make such "astounding and outlandish" charges against our caring, compassionate and constitutional government.

All that is required of the Bush regime is a simple answer as to whether or not there were drills being conducted that morning. Considering the testimony of Bush's Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, when speaking in front of the 9/11 Commission, the basis for that simple inquiry is anchored in the recorded testimony attributed to this high-level Bush administration appointee. All that is required from this salient is a simple "yes" or "no" answer; even this we weren't able to obtain from Bush-Kean.

Clearly, the most expeditious route to a real and meaningful inquiry would be regarding "stand down" drills. It is these that contributed most heavily accentuating our vulnerability and made all the other events and conditions of 9/11 possible. This is not to quibble, but to simply employ the most expeditious and most easily established fact. Someone somewhere will fess up, and the dominoes will begin to fall. Any other approach is shrouded by lengthy tests, testimony, legalistics, precedent, the President's "right to privacy," "privileged information," "national security," etc., etc., etc. And Christison's motivation in terms of trying to find out and fix responsibility is equally flawed ­ by the time the finger pointing is launched, dependent upon the aforementioned tedious and lengthy processes and hurdles that must be overcome, Iran will be engulfed in nuclear flames and mushroom clouds.

The lengthy and drawn-out process required to get at the whole truth can, and should be, incorporated in the impeachment process. But first things first: Bush and his neoconservative loony tunes must be stopped before it is too late. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is no dummy ­ he is extremely educated and convincing. Not having seen his interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," I can only guess he came across far more intelligently than our moron in the White House. In all likelihood, Iran not only has nuclear arms, but has the missiles and therefore the means to deliver them. With his engineering background, Ahmadinejad knows that no matter how advanced his WMDs are, unlike the 19 camel drivers that so easily penetrated America's unmatched and failsafe defenses on September 11, 2001, another means of retaliation must be deployed.

It has been pointed out that Iran trades heavily with North Korea providing them with ample supplies of crude oil. North Korea is a starving nation, so what could they possibly offer Iran in return? The implication is obvious, and Ahmadinejad's cockiness and confidence as expressed in his admonitions to US and Israel leave me feeling very uneasy. Consider the Bush insanity that has left our southern borders totally vulnerable as he bumbles, fumbles and stumbles to move US towards the New World Order. Does Iran already have an anti-American/counter terrorism strategy in place? Should we find out? Should Israel?

Bush and Israel must be stopped, and they must be stopped now before the mushroom clouds come home to roost. And the means are now available to bring this rapidly about. Politics is NOT the means, but it can be tried first as well. It requires grass roots pressure. Members of Congress, ALL OF THEM, must be contacted immediately and told that Bush's warmongering powers must immediately be suspended to avert the neocons' plans to ignite World War III with Syria and Iran. That war will move swiftly to our soil, since Russia and China will correctly surmise that they will be next. That precludes putting Iran's strike capability in a neat little box. We are already vulnerable thanks to Bush's non-border policy. Americans must take advantage of those courageous MSM outlets that are trying to save America from the Bush's regime's suicidal hallucinations. They must be employed as fact-base sources to counter charges of whacko conspiracy theories launched by the FOXNews conspiracy practitioners.

We can bring pressure on both the Congress and all the governors in our states to demand Bush's impeachment, not in terms political vendetta, but to avoid World War III. And C-Span and Scholars for 9/11 Truth will provide a believable base for argument. Bush and Israel's planned nuclear attack on Iran, as well as the response from that nation and possibly others, will not be the same WMD/regime change "cakewalk" that was Iraq; things will be very different this time around. Consider the resolve the ill-planned Lebanese Holocaust brought forth in Hezbollah, Hamas and ALL the Arab and Muslim nations. Consider the reaction of the entire world community! Can there be any doubt as to the expected level of response?

Former CIA official and National Intelligence Officer Christison explains the grassroots potential: "A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University poll taken from July 6 to 24, 2006 concluded that 'more than a third [36 percent] of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them, so that the United States could go to war in the Middle East.' The poll also found that '16 percent of Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real reason the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.'

A poll done by the Zogby polling organization two months earlier, between May 12 and 16, 2006, and using questions worded somewhat differently, suggested even more strongly that the issue could become a 'big one' if aggressively publicized. This poll concluded that 42 percent of Americans believed there had indeed been a cover-up of the true events of 9/11, and an additional 10 percent of Americans were 'unsure.' The co-author of the poll, W. David Kubiak, stated that, 'despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash, and 9/11 Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still can't even muster 50 percent popular support.' Whichever of these polls is closer to the truth, it would seem that there is considerable support for making a major political issue of the subject."

Precisely! It is the "American" MSM that is not only America's greatest enemy, but humanity's as well. If those who blindly support the Bush regime and the GOP are so assured of the total absurdity, ridiculousness, and outlandishness of the charges of an "inside job" on 9/11, why don't they initiate debate on their radio and TV shows to finally settle and silence these "phony" conspiracy claims?

Can you believe that Christine Amanpour of CNN and Rush Limbaugh are now reading from the same page to protect Bush? Remember Limbaugh's former rage at CNN during those awful days of the Clinton regime? And what about "Guy Smiley" O'Reilly? Writing in his organization's general e-mail newsletter, Dr. Kevin Barrett, the organizational head of MUJCA [Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9-11 Truth] the organization that sponsored the Dr. David Ray Griffin 9/11 University of Wisconsin speech carried on C-Span, stated in his newsletter that O'Reilly virtually came out and strongly suggested that Barrett be outed via physical violence. In a "Who-will-rid-me-of-this-meddlesome-priest" non-invective directed at Barrett in a televised tirade on FOX, O'Reilly "couched his remarks in the context of assailing other academicians who have asserted that the government had a role in bringing about the events of 9/11, a claim to which he takes strong exception."

These quotes are taken from the website of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and posted in their "Press Releases" section. The article detailed O'Reilly's attack on both Barrett and his university: "He attacked the leadership of the University of Wisconsin, which has reviewed the case and will allow Barrett to teach a course this fall. During his program on 11 July, O'Reilly remarked, 'This guy would have been gone at Boston University, my alma mater, in a heartbeat. The Chancellor there, John Silber, would of--would have--this guy'd be in the Charles River floating down, you know, toward the harbor.' He implied that allowing Barrett to teach at BU 'wouldn't happen' but 'at the University of Wisconsin there are no standards. . . . I'm stunned.'"

The article goes on: "What's stunning is that this man, who knows nothing about the events of 9/11 apart from what the government has told him, nevertheless assumes unto himself the role of judge, jury, and (it even appears) executioner! This is a travesty, an astonishing violation of academic freedom, freedom of speech, the right of the people to be free from assault. Verbal threats are assaults, especially when, as in this case, they endorse physical violence against a citizen. Barrett, who was alerted to the threat by David von Kleist of The Power Hour, has replied by writing to Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, suggesting that if he were killed as a result of these remarks, 'Fox News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family might very well end up in control of the Murdoch fortune.'"

I ask simply: Why wait?! Sue O'Reilly and FOXNews right now, first by demanding an apology and then putting Murdock and his Irish Setter junk yard dog on notice that if Barrett were to lose his job, O'Reilly's vicious attacks documented in the public news domain defamed him! And if any Bush supporter at either the University of Wisconsin or an elected fascist in the state legislature tries to maneuver Barrett out of his job, all involved will be sued.

And what about the families of the 9/11 victims? What about Cindy Sheehan who lost her boy? Legal expert Jonathan Turley offered during the impending Clinton impeachment that all that has to be shown to impeach the president is to prove that the president lied to the people. That's all ­ just prove he lied? We have mountains of evidence that Bush lied and that virtually everyone in the Bush administration lied about 9/11. No impeachment? Then let the lawsuits begin!

© THEODORE E. LANG 8/15/06 All rights reserved

Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.

Monday, August 14, 2006

So, Osama Walks Into This Bar, See?

So, Osama Walks
Into This Bar, See?
By GregPalast

So, Osama Walks into This Bar, See? and Bush says, "Whad'l'ya have, pardner?" and Osama says

But wait a minute. I'd better shut my mouth. The sign here in the airport says, "Security is no joking matter." But if security's no joking matter, why does this guy dressed in a high-school marching band outfit tell me to dump my Frappuccino and take off my shoes? All I can say is, Thank the Lord the "shoe bomber" didn't carry Semtex in his underpants.

Today's a RED and ORANGE ALERT day. How odd. They just caught the British guys with the chemistry sets. But when these guys were about to blow up airliners, the USA was on YELLOW alert. That's a "lowered" threat notice.

According to the press office from the Department of Homeland Security, lowered-threat Yellow means that there were no special inspections of passengers or cargo. Isn't it nice of Mr. Bush to alert Osama when half our security forces are given the day off? Hmm. I asked an Israeli security expert why his nation doesn't use these pretty color codes.

He asked me if, when I woke up, I checked the day's terror color.

"I can't say I ever have. I mean, who would?"

He smiled. "The terrorists."

America is the only nation on the planet that kindly informs bombers, hijackers and berserkers the days on which they won't be monitored. You've got to get up pretty early in the morning to get a jump on George Bush's team.

There are three possible explanations for the Administration's publishing a good-day-for-bombing color guidebook.

1. God is on Osama's side.

2. George is on Osama's side.

3. Fear sells better than sex.

A gold star if you picked #3.

The Fear Factory

I'm going to tell you something which is straight-up heresy: America is not under attack by terrorists. There is no WAR on terror because, except for one day five years ago, al Qaeda has pretty much left us alone.

That's because Osama got what he wanted. There's no mystery about what Al Qaeda was after. Like everyone from the Girl Scouts to Bono, Osama put his wish on his web site. He had a single demand: "Crusaders out of the land of the two Holy Places." To translate: get US troops out of Saudi Arabia.

And George Bush gave it to him. On April 29, 2003, two days before landing on the aircraft carrier Lincoln, our self-described "War President" quietly put out a notice that he was withdrawing our troops from Saudi soil. In other words, our cowering cowboy gave in whimpering to Osama's demand.

The press took no note. They were all wiggie over Bush's waddling around the carrier deck in a disco-aged jump suit announcing, "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." But it wasn't America's mission that was accomplished, it was Osama's.

Am I saying there's no danger, no threat? Sure there is: 46 million Americans don't have health insurance. IBM is legally stealing from its employees' pension plan and United Airlines has dumped its pensions altogether. Four-million three-hundred thousand Americans were injured, made sick or killed by their jobs last year. TXU Corporation is right now building four monster-sized power plants in Texas that will burn skuzzy gunk called "lignite." The filth it will pour into the sky will snuff a heck of a lot more Americans than some goofy group of fanatics with bottles of hydrogen peroxide.

But Americans don't ask for real protection from what's killing us. The War on Terror is the Weapon of Mass Distraction. Instead of demanding health insurance, we have 59 million of our fellow citizens pooping in their pants with fear of Al Qaeda, waddling to the polls, crying, "Georgie save us!"

And what does he give us? In my own small town, the federal government has paid for loading an SUV with .50 caliber machine guns to watch for an Al Qaeda attack at the dock of the ferry that takes tourists to the Indian casino in Connecticut. The casino dock is my town's officially designated "Critical Asset and Vulnerability Infrastructure Point (CAVIP)." (To find the most vulnerable points to attack in the USA, Al Qaeda can download a list from the Department of Homeland Security - no kidding.)

But that's not all. Bush is protecting us from English hijackers with a fearsome anti-terrorist tool: the Virginia-class submarine. The V-boat was originally meant to hunt Soviet subs. But there are no more Soviet subs. So, General Dynamics and Lockheed Martin have "refitted" these Cold War dinosaurs with new torpedoes redesigned to carry counter-terror commandoes. That's right: when we find Osama's beach house, we can shoot our boys right up under his picnic table and take him out. These Marines-in-a-tube injector boats cost $2.5 billion each - and our President's ordered half a dozen new ones.

Lynn Cheney, the Veep's wife, still takes in compensation from Lockheed as a former board member. I'm sure that has nothing to do with this multi-billion dollar "anti-terror" contract.

Fear sells better than sex. Fear is the sales pitch for many lucrative products: from billion-dollar sailor injectors to one very lucrative war in Mesopotamia (a third of a trillion dollars doled out, no audits, no questions asked).

Better than toothpaste that makes our teeth whiter than white, this stuff will make us safer than safe. It's political junk food, the cheap filling in the flashy tube. What we don't get is safety from the real dangers: a life-threatening health-care system, lung-murdering pollution production and a trade deficit with China that's reducing mid-America to coolie status. Protecting us from these true threats would take a slice of the profits of the Lockheeds, the Exxons and the rest of the owning class.

War on Terror is class war by other means - to keep you from asking for real protection from true menace, the landlords of our nation give you fake protection from manufactured dangers. And they remind you to be afraid every time you fly to see Aunt Millie and have to give up your hemorrhoid ointment to the underpaid guy in the bell-hop suit with a security badge.

Oh, hey, you never got the punch line.
So, Osama Walks into This Bar, See? and Bush says, "Whad'l'ya have, pardner?" and Osama says, "Well, George, what are you serving today?" and Bush says, "Fear," and Osama shouts, "Fear for everybody!" and George pours it on for the crowd. Then the presidential bartender says, "Hey, who's buying?" and Osama points a thumb at the crowd sucking down their brew. "They are," he says. And the two of them share a quiet laugh.


Greg Palast is the author of the just-released New York Times bestseller, "ARMED MADHOUSE: Who's Afraid of Osama Wolf?, China Floats Bush Sinks, the Scheme to Steal '08, No Child's Behind Left and other Dispatches from the Front Lines of the Class War" from which this is adapted. Go to

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun

Liquid Bomb Pakistan Link Is False Flag Smoking Gun
Veracity of liquid explosives method also put under dubious doubt

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | August 13 2006

Revelations concerning the origins and connections of the alleged liquid bomb terror plot to Pakistan and the 7/7 bombings in London provide a strong indication that the operation, known for months yet deliberately timed for public release, was a synthetic ruse concocted by the Bush/Blair cabal to re-package the flagging war on terror.

Media reports in the days following the alert cite Pakistan's ISI as having identified Rashid Rauf as, "the link between the plot's planners and British-based Muslims who were allegedly preparing to carry out attacks on transatlantic flights."

According to former NSA official Wayne Madsen, the Lashkar-e-Toiba terror group, to which Rashid Rauf is affiliated, is wholly operated and funded by the Pakistani ISI.

The Pakistani ISI is a CIA front and controls terror cells at the discretion of the highest levels of the US military-industrial complex. This means that the potential mastermind of the liquid bomb plot, Rashid Rauf (pictured), was operating under the oversight and direction of Pakistani and by proxy American intelligence agencies.

To understand why the Pakistan link strongly indicates that Thursday morning's terror alert was a manufactured ruse, it is necessary to understand the the nexus that connects Pakistani intelligence, the CIA and terrorist organizations.

In October 2001, under the headline 'Pakistani Intelligence Had Links to Al Qaeda, U.S. Officials Say,' the New York Times reported, "The intelligence service of Pakistan, a crucial American ally in the war on terrorism, has had an indirect but longstanding relationship with Al Qaeda, turning a blind eye for years to the growing ties between Osama bin Laden and the Taliban, according to American officials."

The ISI has received CIA funds to create and control militant organizations, including the Taliban and Osama bin Laden in Afghanistan.

Funds transferred from Pakistan bankrolled the alleged 9/11 hijackers before the attack. Ahmad Umar Sheikh wired $100,000 from Karachi to alleged lead hijacker Mohammed Atta at the behest of ISI chief Mahmoud Ahmad. If this isn't a direct link from the ISI to Al-Qaeda then nothing is.

Porter Goss, later appointed as director of the CIA, was having breakfast with the money man behind the terrorists as the planes crashed on the morning of 9/11. Ahmad had also met with top defense and intelligence officials in Washington in the days before the attack, including then CIA director George Tenet, Pentagon officials, and White House personnel.

The fact that the Pakistani financier of the alleged hijackers was meeting with the top brass of the US government in the week before the attack was never investigated by the 9/11 Commission.

In addition, alleged 9/11 mastermind Khalid Shaikh Mohammed was repeatedly protected by the ISI, according to Josef Bodansky, the director of the Congressional Task Force on Terrorism and Unconventional Warfare.

Defense Intelligence Agency documents dated from 2001 clearly indicate that the CIA is aware that Pakistan's ISI supports and bankrolls Al-Qaeda groups but they have deliberately chosen to ignore the connection.

This rich history of ISI creation and protection of terrorist cells, allied with the fact that the ISI is a known CIA front, and added to the revelation that the mastermind of the liquid bomb plot Rashid Rauf is under ISI control, it is therefore obvious to conclude that the entire charade was cooked and orchestrated by elements of the Bush/Blair cabal and sold as promotional propaganda for the increased surveillance and behavioral control of UK and US citizens.

At the very least, the terror cell had been fully infiltrated for months - this has already been admitted - and the snap "foiling" of the attack was coordinated and stage-managed for purposes of political grandstanding on the part of Bush, Blair and the Neo-Fascist apparatus that seeks to use the ailing justification of the war on terror for a future military incursion into Iran.

Another dimension to the indication that we are being fed another hoax, are reports detailing the alleged plot's links to the 7/7 London bombings.

As this website has exhaustively documented for over a year, the 7/7 bombings and the patsies that were used to take the fall for them, were controlled and engineered by the British intelligence apparatus.

The alleged ringleader of the attack which targeted three tube trains and one bus, Mohammed Siddique Khan, was an MI5 informant, according to former London Metropolitan Police detective and terror expert Charles Shoebridge. Therefore, in the case of the liquid bomb plot suspects, any link to the London bombers is a link to MI5.

It is clear that the scope of the attack has been greatly exaggerated by the British government to maximize fear and subservience engendered by images of alarmed and frightened airliner passengers.

Doomsday proclamations of ten planes exploding into balls of flames in mid-air do not correlate with the capacity of the liquid explosives the alleged terrorists were to use.

The only other example where terrorists used liquid explosives was the December 1994 Philippines Airline Boeing 747 incident, a dry run for a bigger plot conducted by Ramzi Youssef.

In this case, Youssef planted the explosives explosives under one of the seats in the airliner and timed them to detonate after he disembarked for a connecting flight. The subsequent explosion killed only the Japanese businessman who was sitting directly above the bomb. Besides five people with minor injuries, the other 200-plus passengers were unharmed and the plane landed safely.

Only liquid explosives in large and noticeable amounts can have any literal chance of "blowing up" a plane in mid-air. Confiscating pregnant white women's lip gloss is completely insane and proves in itself that the new airport measures are purely designed to act as a PR coup for the police state.

In addition, photographs of passengers being ordered to pour liquids into one single container completely belies the claim that the alleged terrorists planned to mix the liquids to create the deadly explosives. If mixing liquids was a key component of the bomb making process then why are airport security ordering people to mix liquids?

World Affairs Brief editor Joel Skousen highlights prescient questions about the inconsistencies of the properties of the alleged liquid explosives in relation to the much vaunted scale of the foiled attack.

"The supposed explosive device this time was a Peroxide-based explosive, which is mildly explosive and can be prepared from acetone, hydrogen Peroxide, and an acid catalyst. This type is claimed by governments to be "widely in use by terrorist groups," though we have no known terrorist events where it has been used, except by one Palestinian terrorist, and then as a detonator only-not as the main charge. This explosive material is usually known by its abbreviation TATP (Tri Acetone Tri Peroxide)," writes Skousen.

"Both Peroxide and Acetone are clear liquids, but acetone (laquer thinner) is easily identifiable by smell and its high rate of evaporation. Experts indicate it is very unstable and highly unlikely to be a stand-alone explosive to take down an airliner. The quantities would have to be large enough to be easily noticed. Thus, even though this is a theoretical threat, banning all cosmetics and lotions is stupid and banning all liquids is unnecessary. Only clear liquids need checking. There is cheap test equipment for TATP, and simple ways for TSA employees to quickly check for acetone and peroxide."

Returning to how the latest plot is a mirror image of Operation Bojinka - the Ramzi Youssef link is also telling because Youssef has been protected and coddled by the US government at every juncture.

In September of 1992 Youssef entered the US with Ahmad Ajaj. Ajaj's luggage contained documents on how to make bombs and was stuffed with fake passports and ID's. Ajaj was arrested - amazingly Youssef was released.

Youssef later masterminded the WTC '93 bombing with the gracious help of FBI agents. Having penetrated the group before the bombing, the FBI's mole, Emad Salem, was told to arm the terror cell with dummy explosives so a sting operation could ensnare the perpetrators. Salem was mystified when the orders changed, the sting was called off and the FBI allowed the bombing to go forward. This was all admitted in an October 1993 New York Times front page story.

Again, any Operation Bojinka or Ramzi Youssef link in the case of the liquid bomb plot is a link back to western intelligence agencies.

Within three days of its exposure, Tony Blair and MI5 are already milking the alleged plot for political purposes in re-introducing the argument for 90-day detention without charge legislation. Blair suffered his only defeat to date in the Commons last November when the bill was shot down by Labour rebels - a humiliating rejection of the so-called 'liberal' government's feverish bloodlust for authoritarian control.

Reports of criminal insider trading on airline stocks before the announcement of the alleged foiled plot, specifically British Airways stocks, have also started to filter in and will be the subject of a follow-up investigation.

Friday, August 11, 2006

Terror Storm: DVD of the Resistance

Terror Storm: DVD of the Resistance

Kurt Nimmo | August 11 2006

Let me tell you why you need a copy of Alex Jones' latest video, Terror Storm. You need it right now because it is late, we are under siege, and if you wait too long chances are you won't be able to buy it at all.

I'm not kidding. I'm not being an alarmist. It's late and the neocons have it out for us, that is to say those of us who Newt Gingrich calls "insurgents" for the crime of disagreement---and we know what these people do to insurgents, those who resist their Machiavellian Borg Hive drive to burn down the Middle East, usher in total and generational war, trash the Constitution here in America, and build a police state of high tech control.

Buy this DVD. It begins with a history lesson, something terribly few Americans are keen on, thanks to the controlled media and an education system designed to crank out consumerist zombies, not informed citizens.

Jones dissects false flag terrorism, a tactic having served our rulers well over the centuries, now polished to high art. Jones describes several incidents of classic false flag terrorism---Hitler's torching of the Reichstag, the CIA overthrow of the democratically elected government of Iran, Johnson's Gulf of Tonkin, the Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty, the July 7 London bombings, and more, all instrumental---thus revealing the murderous mendacity of government, no matter the stripe.

Don't expect to see this stuff on the History Channel, owned by A&E Television Networks, that is to say the multinational behemoths Walt Disney, Hearst, and NBC Universal, propagandists and war profiteers all. Unvarnished truth is anathema to the corporate media, especially when it is presented in a sharp format, as Terror Storm is.

Buy this DVD and copy it, pass it out to the uninitiated.

Do it while there is still time, for as I write the hour is late. I see darkness descending over the nation, the gloom and ominous clatter of tyranny in the nearby shadows as the neocons have once again enkindled their "war on terrorism" with fresh lies and false flag pretense, a war ostensibly against Muslims across the globe. Of course, in order to spread pax Americana abroad, they must subjugate the rising voices at home, the rousing of the insurgents, as more than a few of us recall the admonitions of the founders.

In the era of Jefferson, Madison, and Franklin, the printing press was put to good use, distributing Thomas Paine's incendiary pamphlet far and wide, inspiring those who may otherwise have straddled a plank fence. In our era, that technology is the internet and the DVD, the latter easier to duplicate and more handy than the letterpress broadside of Paine's day.

In 1943, in Nazi Germany, a handful of patriots cranked out mimeographed copies of "Leaflets of the Resistance," a call to resist fascism. But it was too late. Nazism had taken hold root and poisonous branch and members of the White Rose were eventually rounded up, marched before a tribunal, and ultimately put to death for the crime of warning neighbors and strangers alike of the burning tyranny in their midst.

It's not that bad in America, not yet. But understand the neocon threat is no less maleficent than the Nazi threat before it.

Get Terror Storm, burn DVDs, pass them out like White Rose screeds.


Alex Jones' Warning A CALL TO ACTION!

Alex Jones' Warning A CALL TO ACTION!

You Tube | August 11 2006

Alex Jones' Warning A CALL TO ACTION!

Alex Jones predicted the 9/11 attacks stating "Osama Bin Laden would be blamed for flying planes into buildings including the WTC". He made this warning during the months of July and August of 2001;

He is now stating for the fist time since 9/11, that all indicators suggest a massive terror attack is imminent, facilitated by corrupt rogue elements in western governments, possibly before October.




*Spread this broadcast
*Freeway blog;
*Call into radio talk shows
*Stage peaceful protests

^ Those are things everyone can do! If your still convinced by the official 9/11 story, and so think this doesn't matter to you read this;


Dr Martin Luther King Jr: A Time Comes When Silence Is Betrayal


There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible. But in the end they always fall. Think of it. Always." -- Mahatma Gandhi