Impeachment Or
World War III?
By Ted Lang
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Hezbollah has gained immensely in strength and resolve as a result of the current unprovoked and unjustified carnage planned and executed by Israel against a peaceful Lebanon. These horrific war crimes perpetrated by Bush USA and Israel, two of the axis-of-evil nations, were supplemented by the distraction provided by the third AOE nation in manufacturing yet another phony false-flag terrorist plot. I didn't even bother to familiarize myself with the long array of descriptive details, which as of yet haven't even been invented. I trust nothing either my government or the governments of the other two criminal nations have to say through their harlots in the "American" MSM.
I am an American, but I hate my government for not only doing nothing to stop the totally unnecessary slaughter of innocent and unarmed men, women, children, the aged and the infirmed in Lebanon, but for encouraging, aiding and abetting the holocaust as well in supplying additional precision weaponry to carry out the mass murders. Bush may be heavily guarded and feel secure in his bunkers in Crawford and Washington, but he's got an unavoidable rendezvous with some serious reckoning. And the sooner this serious reckoning takes place, the better for all Mankind. Bush must be impeached immediately. If this doesn't happen, we will assuredly be irreversibly enmeshed in Bush, Israel and Great Britain's plot to ignite World War III and to launch the New World Order global government.
To facilitate impeachment, and to bring the Bush crime and war machine to a halt, the American political environment must now be inundated with the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. "Politics-as-usual" or PAU will be the prescription to bring about the most horrendous conditions in America since those early dark days of the American Revolution, when the impending crushing force of the world's most powerful nation, Great Britain, was about to be unleashed on the people of the American colonies.
American fools who think a political solution is available for removing these criminals from control over the horrific power of the American military have all but succumbed to the distraction that is America's so-called two-party system. It is for this reason that I consider Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and all of FOXNews as traitors. This crisis is not about liberal versus conservative, or even about conservative versus neoconservative; it turns on the survival of our nation which is now totally under the control of lunatics.
Let US first examine the charges and the response from the MSM apologists, sycophants and enablers of the Bush war and crime machine. All the articles already written, as well as those recently penned by Dr. Henry Makow and Henry Picciotto on and that of Bill Christison on Alex Jones' ["Former CIA Analyst: Stop Belittling the Theories About September 11"] expose in depth serious and glaring flaws in the Bush regime's explanations of the vulnerabilities and circumstances of 9/11. The explanations are astonishing in terms of their effrontery to even individuals of average intellect. And given the challenges that even people of average intelligence can pose to the explanations offered by Bush and his Kean 9/11 Commission, why do the MSM stooges take such umbrage with any modicum of inquiry demanding a clearer line of reasoning?
Of course, we know the answer. The charges are codified as being so horrific, so outlandish, and so ridiculous that they need to be summarily dismissed as only being politically based and orchestrated. In other words, challenging the Bush regime's story is just "politics as usual" as mentioned earlier. But instead of news junkies and the information audience writing off accusations of wrong-doing, it is the American mass news media that is doing this. Where is there any evidence of either journalistic challenge or independence? Where is there loyalty to America, to its founding, to its war veterans and our war dead that fought in all America's wars? What about journalistic loyalty honoring our patriots, and the slaughtered innocent workers and our fellow citizens at the WTC and the Pentagon? Isn't there even one American journalist that cares for America? Not even one? Perhaps Lou Dobbs and/or Brian Lamb?
It's BAU [business as usual] for journalists and PAU for our elected politicians. Fortunately, former government employees are increasingly coming forward, such as Christison, and this is helpful. But whether or not Bush and his fellow criminals will be held accountable, or even whether or not the GOP will be ejected from the halls of Congress in the November midterm elections, neither is of any importance within the context of the present dangerous international political environment created by Bush, his GOP Congress, and the spineless wimps representing the Democratic Party. The dead cannot be brought back. The dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon, the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and Flight 93 will never be amongst US again. Indeed, Bush and his criminals saw to that.
Rather, it is for US the living, to not only honor their sacrificed lives, but to prevent the impending and horrific carnage and destruction that will be initiated by World War III. World War III will not be "over there"; it will be here and now! And if Americans are so stupid, H. L. Mencken's "booboisie" if you will, such is no longer the case. As Christison correctly points out, Americans are beginning to see the crimes perpetrated by the criminal Bush regime in spite of the smokescreens and propaganda hogwash continuously and senselessly articulated by Limbaugh, Hannity, O'Reilly and Amanpour.
I disagree totally with Christison's conclusions that relegate to secondary importance the simple question regarding military drills on that day. Christison's "key" points require proof supported by forensic inquiry, inquiry the Bush regime and its FBI went way out of their way to block and prevent. And Christison highlights his key points by launching them in an air of high probability: "ONE: An airliner almost certainly did not hit The Pentagon." Then, "TWO: The North and South Towers of the World Trade Center almost certainly did not collapse and fall to earth because hijacked aircraft hit them." I'm sorry, but to me, "almost certainly" is a shaky foundation to make such "astounding and outlandish" charges against our caring, compassionate and constitutional government.
All that is required of the Bush regime is a simple answer as to whether or not there were drills being conducted that morning. Considering the testimony of Bush's Transportation Secretary, Norman Mineta, when speaking in front of the 9/11 Commission, the basis for that simple inquiry is anchored in the recorded testimony attributed to this high-level Bush administration appointee. All that is required from this salient is a simple "yes" or "no" answer; even this we weren't able to obtain from Bush-Kean.
Clearly, the most expeditious route to a real and meaningful inquiry would be regarding "stand down" drills. It is these that contributed most heavily accentuating our vulnerability and made all the other events and conditions of 9/11 possible. This is not to quibble, but to simply employ the most expeditious and most easily established fact. Someone somewhere will fess up, and the dominoes will begin to fall. Any other approach is shrouded by lengthy tests, testimony, legalistics, precedent, the President's "right to privacy," "privileged information," "national security," etc., etc., etc. And Christison's motivation in terms of trying to find out and fix responsibility is equally flawed by the time the finger pointing is launched, dependent upon the aforementioned tedious and lengthy processes and hurdles that must be overcome, Iran will be engulfed in nuclear flames and mushroom clouds.
The lengthy and drawn-out process required to get at the whole truth can, and should be, incorporated in the impeachment process. But first things first: Bush and his neoconservative loony tunes must be stopped before it is too late. Iran's President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, is no dummy he is extremely educated and convincing. Not having seen his interview on CBS' "60 Minutes," I can only guess he came across far more intelligently than our moron in the White House. In all likelihood, Iran not only has nuclear arms, but has the missiles and therefore the means to deliver them. With his engineering background, Ahmadinejad knows that no matter how advanced his WMDs are, unlike the 19 camel drivers that so easily penetrated America's unmatched and failsafe defenses on September 11, 2001, another means of retaliation must be deployed.
It has been pointed out that Iran trades heavily with North Korea providing them with ample supplies of crude oil. North Korea is a starving nation, so what could they possibly offer Iran in return? The implication is obvious, and Ahmadinejad's cockiness and confidence as expressed in his admonitions to US and Israel leave me feeling very uneasy. Consider the Bush insanity that has left our southern borders totally vulnerable as he bumbles, fumbles and stumbles to move US towards the New World Order. Does Iran already have an anti-American/counter terrorism strategy in place? Should we find out? Should Israel?
Bush and Israel must be stopped, and they must be stopped now before the mushroom clouds come home to roost. And the means are now available to bring this rapidly about. Politics is NOT the means, but it can be tried first as well. It requires grass roots pressure. Members of Congress, ALL OF THEM, must be contacted immediately and told that Bush's warmongering powers must immediately be suspended to avert the neocons' plans to ignite World War III with Syria and Iran. That war will move swiftly to our soil, since Russia and China will correctly surmise that they will be next. That precludes putting Iran's strike capability in a neat little box. We are already vulnerable thanks to Bush's non-border policy. Americans must take advantage of those courageous MSM outlets that are trying to save America from the Bush's regime's suicidal hallucinations. They must be employed as fact-base sources to counter charges of whacko conspiracy theories launched by the FOXNews conspiracy practitioners.
We can bring pressure on both the Congress and all the governors in our states to demand Bush's impeachment, not in terms political vendetta, but to avoid World War III. And C-Span and Scholars for 9/11 Truth will provide a believable base for argument. Bush and Israel's planned nuclear attack on Iran, as well as the response from that nation and possibly others, will not be the same WMD/regime change "cakewalk" that was Iraq; things will be very different this time around. Consider the resolve the ill-planned Lebanese Holocaust brought forth in Hezbollah, Hamas and ALL the Arab and Muslim nations. Consider the reaction of the entire world community! Can there be any doubt as to the expected level of response?
Former CIA official and National Intelligence Officer Christison explains the grassroots potential: "A Scripps Howard News Service/Ohio University poll taken from July 6 to 24, 2006 concluded that 'more than a third [36 percent] of the American public suspects that federal officials assisted in the 9/11 terrorist attacks or took no action to stop them, so that the United States could go to war in the Middle East.' The poll also found that '16 percent of Americans speculate that secretly planted explosives, not burning passenger jets, were the real reason the massive twin towers of the World Trade Center collapsed.'
A poll done by the Zogby polling organization two months earlier, between May 12 and 16, 2006, and using questions worded somewhat differently, suggested even more strongly that the issue could become a 'big one' if aggressively publicized. This poll concluded that 42 percent of Americans believed there had indeed been a cover-up of the true events of 9/11, and an additional 10 percent of Americans were 'unsure.' The co-author of the poll, W. David Kubiak, stated that, 'despite years of relentless media promotion, whitewash, and 9/11 Commission propaganda, the official 9/11 story still can't even muster 50 percent popular support.' Whichever of these polls is closer to the truth, it would seem that there is considerable support for making a major political issue of the subject."
Precisely! It is the "American" MSM that is not only America's greatest enemy, but humanity's as well. If those who blindly support the Bush regime and the GOP are so assured of the total absurdity, ridiculousness, and outlandishness of the charges of an "inside job" on 9/11, why don't they initiate debate on their radio and TV shows to finally settle and silence these "phony" conspiracy claims?
Can you believe that Christine Amanpour of CNN and Rush Limbaugh are now reading from the same page to protect Bush? Remember Limbaugh's former rage at CNN during those awful days of the Clinton regime? And what about "Guy Smiley" O'Reilly? Writing in his organization's general e-mail newsletter, Dr. Kevin Barrett, the organizational head of MUJCA [Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance for 9-11 Truth] the organization that sponsored the Dr. David Ray Griffin 9/11 University of Wisconsin speech carried on C-Span, stated in his newsletter that O'Reilly virtually came out and strongly suggested that Barrett be outed via physical violence. In a "Who-will-rid-me-of-this-meddlesome-priest" non-invective directed at Barrett in a televised tirade on FOX, O'Reilly "couched his remarks in the context of assailing other academicians who have asserted that the government had a role in bringing about the events of 9/11, a claim to which he takes strong exception."
These quotes are taken from the website of Scholars for 9/11 Truth and posted in their "Press Releases" section. The article detailed O'Reilly's attack on both Barrett and his university: "He attacked the leadership of the University of Wisconsin, which has reviewed the case and will allow Barrett to teach a course this fall. During his program on 11 July, O'Reilly remarked, 'This guy would have been gone at Boston University, my alma mater, in a heartbeat. The Chancellor there, John Silber, would of--would have--this guy'd be in the Charles River floating down, you know, toward the harbor.' He implied that allowing Barrett to teach at BU 'wouldn't happen' but 'at the University of Wisconsin there are no standards. . . . I'm stunned.'"
The article goes on: "What's stunning is that this man, who knows nothing about the events of 9/11 apart from what the government has told him, nevertheless assumes unto himself the role of judge, jury, and (it even appears) executioner! This is a travesty, an astonishing violation of academic freedom, freedom of speech, the right of the people to be free from assault. Verbal threats are assaults, especially when, as in this case, they endorse physical violence against a citizen. Barrett, who was alerted to the threat by David von Kleist of The Power Hour, has replied by writing to Rupert Murdoch, who owns Fox News, suggesting that if he were killed as a result of these remarks, 'Fox News would find itself facing the mother of all lawsuits, and my family might very well end up in control of the Murdoch fortune.'"
I ask simply: Why wait?! Sue O'Reilly and FOXNews right now, first by demanding an apology and then putting Murdock and his Irish Setter junk yard dog on notice that if Barrett were to lose his job, O'Reilly's vicious attacks documented in the public news domain defamed him! And if any Bush supporter at either the University of Wisconsin or an elected fascist in the state legislature tries to maneuver Barrett out of his job, all involved will be sued.
And what about the families of the 9/11 victims? What about Cindy Sheehan who lost her boy? Legal expert Jonathan Turley offered during the impending Clinton impeachment that all that has to be shown to impeach the president is to prove that the president lied to the people. That's all just prove he lied? We have mountains of evidence that Bush lied and that virtually everyone in the Bush administration lied about 9/11. No impeachment? Then let the lawsuits begin!
© THEODORE E. LANG 8/15/06 All rights reserved
Ted Lang is a political analyst and freelance writer.