Thursday, August 17, 2006

more on the Bollyn arrest

Christopher Bollyn arrested in Chicago

RBN | August 17 2006

RBN talk show host and AFP reporter Christopher Bollyn was arrested last night in Chicago in his front yard. See below, and be sure to read his article at the bottom of this page about the ZionistMedia/Israel/Lebanon connection. Chris lived in Israel for a while and has been in the Middle East. His wife Helje (from Estonia) has sent us an email.

Chris wrote many articles on depleted uranium (some of the best) based on interviews with Marion Fulk, Doug Rokke, Leuren Moret, and others for the American Free Press. He also has been doing a deep investigation of the British/IsraelMossad/US ties to 911.

The Following Is An Email From Christopher's Wife

Hi Freinds,

We live in a very quiet neighborhood. We notice every car or person who passes by. We hear every noise behind the window.

There has been this unmarked dark blue police car with three antennaes and three guys inside it circling around our house for some time. Well, Chris did not like it and called the cops. The same unmarked blue police car came back in no time, the guys jumped out and were very arrogant. They did not tell me their names nor showed me their identifications except their shiny police badges.

Chris had some questions about their mission around our house which they did not seem to like [at all] and they arrested him. Just lovely to see him being pushed face down in the dirt with some dumb knee pushed against his neck by a brute and hand-cuffs put on him. In no time there were five more police cars lights blinking on the street, our lawn full of cops and a fire truck/ambulance - quite an event!

I wanted to take some pictures but then they said they would arrest me too. I had to drop my gardening scissors since they considered it a weapon. They took my name and DOB. They asked me where I was from.

It was interesting that they had a woman in the team who calmed down Catherine who was upset. They showed her the fire truck and all. One police officer was very kind to me. If any of you would like to ask any questions about what the Hoffman Estates Police Station is doing with Chris Bollyn, don't hesitate to call:

Laurence # 283 who works at 2-10 p.m., tel. 847- 882-1818 Maybe Chris Petherick can be so kind and give them a call or Mike? Could you also inform WAC, please.

Hopefully he will be released tonight for a bond ($100 is the smallest amount) and won't be jailed for a longer time. You never know.

I will keep you informed if there are any changes to the sitution.

Kind regards to you all,


Cops Arrest AFP Journalist Christopher Bollyn

Wednesday August 16th 2006, 6:26 pm

“I was harassed, beaten, and shocked with a Tazer-like gun in my front yard before my wife and children, and then abused for 6 hours by the ADL-trained local police,” explains American Free Press journalist and Republic Broadcast Network talk show host Christopher Bollyn on the RBN website. “I have every reason to believe it is because of my journalistic investigation into 9/11. I have been threatened before in my career as a journalist, but this is the first time I have been intentionally beaten and abused—by the cops…. I intend to seek asylum in Norway or Switzerland. I can read the writing on the wall.”

Indeed, the writing is on the wall. In the neocon “you’re either with us or with the terrorists” political climate in America today, those who tell the truth are increasingly coming under the gun—or as in Bollyn’s case, under a Tazer. It is a short step from accusations of treason and appeasement of terrorists, who work for the government—or are simply retarded patsies set-up to take a fall—and the sort of violence practiced by the Nazis and their goons after Hitler pulled off his Gesetz zur Behebung der Not von Volk und Reich, or the Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Reich. Bush has come a long way in realizing his Ermächtigungsgesetz, or Enabling Act, and it won’t be long now before minor complaints are dealt with in severe fashion, as they always are under fascist dictatorships.

“And the administration has not only the right, but the duty, in my opinion, to pursue fifth column movements,” Senator Lindsey Graham told AG Gonzales earlier this year. “And let me tell folks who are watching what a fifth column movement is. It is a movement known to every war where American citizens will sympathize with the enemy and collaborate with the enemy. And it’s happened in every war…. and I don’t think you need a warrant to do that.”

According to the Manichean dictum of the neocons—you’re with us in the forever war against the Muslims, or you’re with the terrorists—revealing certain facts, as Bollyn has done over the years, may result in, for now, arrest and abuse. However, next month or next year, certainly after the next staged terror attack, it will result in far harsher, even fatal retaliation, as it invariably does in fascist countries.


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